Hey, Hardworking Women Over 50! 

Let Go of the Pain, Learn Self-Healing, and Live in Your Body with Joy, Vitality, and Gratitude, 

My Course: 

From Stuck-in-Stress to Your Embodied Wild Woman Life: How to Use Myo-Fascial Self-Massage for Self-Healing

Takes you out of your mind and into your body so that you can live your best life!

Can I Read Your Mind?

You’re tired of all the self-care suggestions about how to fight aging. 

You’ve worked so hard all your life – achieving, grinding, producing. 

You’re a master achiever at getting things done. 

You used to have dreams, but now you don’t know where they are hiding.

Let me know if this sounds familiar: 

  • You’re using caffeine and wine to manage your day. 

  • That body part - head, shoulders, knees, and toes - never stops hurting..

  • You’re eating to numb your emotions.

  • Sleep feels like another country you’d like to visit. 

Imagine how it would feel to be that Wild Woman self you see in Instagram stories! 

Vitality, joy, gratitude: your heart and body are full of these energies. 

You just aren’t sure how to make it a reality.

Step Into Vitality and Feel Good About Your Body

Here’s the thing – we’ve been sold a bill of goods. We’ve been told that if we sign up for and pay a lot for self-care, others will repair our broken bodies. 

You’re focusing on the wrong thing. The thing you really need is self-healing through strategies you can do for yourself. I call this self-healing.  

I have developed a unique, five-part method that teaches you how to do this. I call it my Body Vitality Method. 

If you had access to my Body Vitality Method, I just know that life would not be so hard! 

Hi, I’m AnnMerle

How do I know about why self-care is not helping and that you really need to own your own self-healing? Because I’ve done it myself, or I’ve shown countless other hard-working women how to ditch the fight against aging and learn self-healing strategies.  This is a really brief overview of my expertise or story and why you should trust me. And I can’t wait to show you how to get this result for yourself.


From Stuck-in-Stress to Your Embodied Wild Woman Life: How to Use Myofascial Self-Massage for Self-Healing

A course that teaches you the basics of self-healing with a focus on myo-fascial self massage

“Now I Know What My Shoulders Need”

I used to get a massage every week. But now, I just say to myself, hey, this part of my shoulders could use some work. I don't have to wait until next Tuesday. I always used to joke with my massage therapist,  “You know, you do all this hard work, but five seconds after I leave, I get a phone call from work and my shoulders are up by my ears.

— Leticia, 58, Colorado

 The Only Body-Centered Course Designed for Hardworking Women Over 50

Women Need Connection

This course is meant to connect women’s energy to heal together. 

Over 50 Women Need a Focused Approach

Our bodies need a different approach than 20 somethings, right? 

Myo-Fascial Self-Healing is Powerful

Your fascial, connective tissue is a the root of this self-healing approach. 

To Get Out of Stress and Into Your Wise, Intuitive Body, You Will:

  • Feel how self-healing differs from self-care.

  • Learn empowering new ways to massage your neck, shoulders, core, hips, and feet.

  • Practice setting intentions for self-healing that really work.

  • Experience ways to connect with the power of your sisterhood,

  • Bring this new awareness into your everyday life.

Is this exactly what you need?

“No More People Pleasing”

Since working with you, I feel much more confident setting boundaries and protecting myself.  I’m learning to take a stand. You’ve shown me that you need to be able to feel your body to do that. Because if you don’t feel your body, then your mind takes over. And then the old patterns come up.

Melissa, 57, Oregon

The Curriculum

Here’s how we’re going to do it.

This course is set up for 5 days, but you can do it in any way that feels good to you!


  • First, we get to know each other. 

  • I introduce myself through a video. I tell you my story – how my exhausted achiever lifestyle was making me sicker and tireder than I have ever been. 

  • I talk about why this new way of connecting with our bodies is so very important for us – hardworking women over 50.

Day 1:  Introduction 

Here You’ll learn:

  • What is this Body Vitality Method that can shift the way you relate to your body? 

  • How will each of our sessions proceed? What do I mean by setting intentions, exploring our bodies and minds, and integrating into everyday life? 

  • What easily accessible props do you need and what sort of space do you need to do your practices?

Day 2:  Embodying Your Neck and Your Shoulders

Here You’ll learn:

  • How self-healing empowers you to respond to neck and shoulder issues. 

  • How you can welcome rest, breath, self-massage, and strength into this part of your body. 

  • How you can take this new awareness into your everyday life.

Day 3:  Embodying Your Breath and Your Core

Here You’ll learn:

  • How self-healing supports your ability to breathe fully and feel the strength of your core and respiratory system

  • How you can welcome rest, breath, self-massage, and strength into this part of your body. 

  • How you can take this new awareness into your everyday life.

Day 4:  Embodying Your Hips and Psoas

Here You’ll learn:

  • How self-healing empowers you to create openness and feeling in hips that have sat in chairs for too long! 

  • How you can welcome rest, breath, self-massage, and strength into this part of your body. 

  • How you can take this new awareness into your everyday life.

Day 5:  Embodying and Grounding Your Feet

Here You’ll learn:

  • Your feet are your ground and your foundation. How self-healing empowers you to care for your feet in powerful ways. 

  • How you can welcome rest, breath, self-massage, and strength into this part of your body. 

  • How you can take this new awareness into your everyday life.

The investment

Actual Course Value

For A Limited Time

Ready to Give Yourself This Gift?

Meet Your Guide!

At 50, my body was at war with me. I was a university professor, a single mother of two, and gasping for breath. Check out my website at FierceOver50.com to learn more about my story. 

I am an advanced yoga instructor in Forest Yoga. I am certified in Myo-fascial self-massage and movement. I have completed several immersions in Breathwork. 

I’ve learned this work to save myself and now I teach it to other women who desperately need a different path forward.

“I Learned How to Breathe with You”

Until I found you, [after breast cancer and reconstructive surgery] I felt like my lungs were encased in scar tissue and I couldn’t take a deep breath. You asked me to inhale and exhale while I lay over a soft, squishy ball under my upper back and suddenly … I could breathe! That was an awakening for me. I felt a huge release of tension. And expansion!

Laura Graham, 64, Ohio

Ready to get started?

In just one month, you could be on the path to your living in your intuitive, natural, Wild Woman body. I would love for you to join us.

From Stuck-in-Stress to Your Embodied Wild Woman Life: How to Use Myo-Fascial Self-Massage for Self-Healing