Yes, you can become who you were meant to be - even at age 50+!

Your search is over, dear one. Your journey to lightness, joy, and freedom as a woman over 50 starts here, in The FierceOver50 Gathering.

It’s time to stop fighting aging and start living your dreams with newfound vitality. It’s a new life for you.


  • You’ve tried all the self-care and repair strategies imaginable…and nothing works any more.

  • You’re tired of hearing “just meditate” for stress relief. You can’t stop pushing through your day

  • You’re exhausted, yet you can’t sleep through the night.

  • You’re relying on coffee to wake up and wine to fall asleep.

  • You numb out with food, shopping, and binge streaming.

  • Regretfully, you wonder: “Wasn’t this supposed to be my time?”

There’s a better way: Self-healing That Empowers & Feeds Your Dreams

Imagine an alternative reality where:

  • You get to live out all of your “somewhere over the rainbow” dreams.

  • You simply say “no” (and mean it) instead of being a people pleaser.

  • You feel comfortable in your own body, and know how to listen to her wisdom and intuition.

  • You feel lighter, aware of your growing mobility and resilience.

  • You navigate stress with ease using breath, self-message, and awakening your body.

I invite you to join…

The FierceOver50 Gathering

The FierceOver50 Gathering awakens the innate self-healing capacity that has always been within you. For too long, we've been led to believe in quick-fix, surface-level self-care that leaves us feeling disconnected. This year-long, slow-growth, transformative journey offers a radically different, intentional, blend of practices – deep rest, profound breathwork, myo-fascial self massage, soul-centered strength, and woman-centered community – that rekindles healing through your body’s own wisdom. In the FierceOver50 Gathering you will rediscover a deep sense of home in your body and reignite the dreams you thought were lost.

With my Leadership and Woman-Centered Support, You Can Feel at Home in Your Body

Unlike programs that offer quick fixes or superficial self-care solutions, I do things differently. 

I’ve been where you are, and my approach is deeply rooted in both  my education and personal and professional experience in self-healing work. 

Here’s what I want you to know about me, before choosing me as your guide on this journey:

My Self-Healing Journey

At 50, I was a professor and single mother  — emotionally stuck, physically trained, and searching for a way out of pain. 

Over two decades, I studied with renowned masters, blending the best of science and spirit, while also learning from my clients.

I didn’t just read about self-healing: I lived it. I healed my own body, and now I share what I have learned with like-minded women who are fed up with the status quo and ready for a profound transformation. 

When faced with this complex and challenging journey, you need a guide who has been where you are and knows how to take you where you want to go.

This Work is My Passion

I poured all my experience (and my heart) into a book, that takes you on this journey with me, offering the same insights and practices I use in my coaching like The Gathering

We hardworking women over 50 are clear and strategic thinkers who know how to get things done. I am as well. 

Even after experiencing extraordinary success with my clients, I wanted to do the research  and write about what it means to become Fierce Over 50. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have written this book and, as such, I invite you to read it.

Women Over 50 Must Not be Ignored

Just when we come into our wisest selves, society  dismisses us as irrelevant. We are considered sexually undesirable, and we are sold self-care products to reverse what others see as our demise into aging. Yet, in truth, our best years are ahead. 

I believe in a different path: one where we fight back by healing ourselves from the inside out and reclaim our dreams. My body-centered methods wake up the parts of you that went underground through years of overworking and overachievement, and give you the tools to truly fulfill your potential. This is your time to shine, and I’m here to help you do just that.We fight back by healing ourselves and reclaiming our dreams. My body-centered methods wake up that part of you that went underground and gives you the tools to truly fulfill your potential.

“This is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself”

When I think of what I spent on self-help books and yoga and massages, this is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself.  AnnMerle helps women understand the root of what got us to the end of our ropes and helps us climb up the rope so we can get back onto solid ground. And we are all on this rope together, helping each other so that one person will get a couple of feet above and then reach down for the rest of us. I love this group of amazing women. In any challenge we face knowing that we're not alone is invaluable. We're all there and we can all take off our masks. We can just be ourselves in front of each other.  That might be the greatest gift of all. 

— Leticia, 58, Colorado

What Exactly is the FierceOVer50 Gathering?

The FierceOver50 Gathering is more than just a coaching program: it’s an online sanctuary where we create magic together. 

This is a space where exhausted, hardworking women who are ready to move beyond surface-level self-care into a transformative , self-healing program.

This comprehensive, slow-growth program supports:

  • Spiritual growth; a return to our instinctive natural selves

  • Body awareness:  through breath, self-massage, strength, and deep rest 

  • Community connection: engage in a  collaborative, co-creative, woman-centered, inclusive space where we learn from and support each other. 

As your guide on this journey, I’m here to support you every step of the way 

My vision: for each member of the FierceOver50 Gathering to feel alive in your body, accept your whole selves as unconditionally worthy, and experience your life filled with spirit, strength, self-love, vitality, and dignity.

Here’s How The Program Works:

  1. Application-based enrollment: Participation in the year-long FierceOver50 Gathering is by application only. 

  2. Twice-monthly meetings: We meet on Wednesdays via Zoom, from 6-7:30pm Central Time, two times a month throughout the year. All sessions (other than celebrations) are recorded and the replay is typically sent the next morning.

  3. Body Vitality Method: Our sessions are rooted in my Body Vitality Method (described in the Fierce Over 50 book), and include rituals and practices built on: rest, myofascial self-massage, breathwork, soul-centered strength, and woman-centered connection. 

  4. Weekly Practices and Support: We sustain our ritual, body-centered practices and stay connected as a community throughout the week on an online app called Voxer. 

  5. Structure Journey: The year-long program is divided into 4 quarters, each focusing on a body-centered heroine’s journey of spiritual awakening and growth:

    1. Head, Neck, and Shoulders

    2. Torso/Core

    3. Hips, Legs, and Feet

    4. Whole Body Sensing

  6. Flexible enrollment: You can join the FierceOver50 Gathering at any time and continue through the year-long cycle. 

Take a look at  the Frequently Asked Questions section below for additional information. If you still have questions, please email me at  and put “FierceOver50 Gathering Membership Inquiry” in the subject line.

I invite you to Join us in the Fierceover50 Gathering

Choose which of these options is best for you.

Option 1 - Best Value

Annual Membership

$3970 - Get 2 months free!

Option 2 - Most Flexible

Monthly Membership

$397/month for 12 months

Option 3 - Most transformative

VIP Upgrade

Includes a 1:1 private session with AnnMerle every month (limited spots)

$6,970/year or $697/month for 12 months

See the Terms and Conditions here

How do I apply for the FierceOver50 Gathering?

The application process is as follows: 

Step 1: Initial Zoom Chat

Send me your application using the form below. We’ll then schedule a short Zoom chat to see if the FierceOver50 Gathering is the right fit for you.

Step 2: Deep Dive Session

If the initial chat feels right, we’ll schedule a 90-minute follow-up Zoom session to talk about your particular issues, needs, and vision for your work in the program. I will guide you through a personalized myo-fascial self-massage and breathwork practice. 

If we agree that you are a good fit for the FierceOver50 Gathering, I’ll give you the sign-up link during our call.  We’ll also discuss the inexpensive set of props you will need and how to set up your space.

The price for this session is $197, which is then refunded to you if you sign up for the FierceOver50 Gathering

Step 3:  Begin Your Journey

You’ll attend your first session and meet our community of amazing women who are ready to welcome and celebrate you! I’ll send you the year-long schedule of calls, help you get started on Voxer (our ongoing support app), and keep in close touch during the first two months to make sure you feel comfortable with how we are proceeding.

That’s it! You have committed to your heroine’s journey with full support every step of the way! Let the self-healing begin!

“You’r helping us develop intuition and instinct”

I’m learning to ask, “Am I in my body? How can I be in touch with my feelings, my physical sensations, and be more present?”  You’re helping us develop the intuition and instinct to set personal boundaries and guard these boundaries.

Genevieve, 65, Saskatchewan

My Qualifications 

The proof is in the pudding. I learned self-healing first through my own journey. 

My road to self-healing, expressed through work with amazing teachers, had now led me to you, dear reader. 

Forrest Yoga

How to incorporate movement, breath, strength,and self-healing into an ongoing practice.

  • Forrest Yoga Advanced Teacher Training, 2013

  • Functional Anatomy for Yoga Teachers, Ellen Heed, 2007

  • Forrest Yoga Continuing Education - 2009

  • 22-day Meditation and Intensive Classes with Ana Forrest  2007, 2012

Turbodog Yoga

How to incorporate shamanic healing into a yoga practice. 

  • Deep and extensive practice with Steve Emmerman and Talya Ring at Turbodog Yoga, through workshops, classes, semi-private, and private lessons (2001-2012)

  • Power Journey Retreats: Dominican Republic (2013), Puerta Vallarta ( 2011, 2012), Costa Rica (2008, 2010), Firewalk with Heather Ash Amara (2008); Sweat Lodge on Sacred Native Grounds (2009, 2010)

  • Yoga Mentorship Program, Talya Ring & Steve Emmerman, 2012-2013

YogaTuneUp, The Roll Model Method, Breath and Bliss, and TuneUpFitness with Jill Miller

How myofascial self-massage, breathwork, and rest promotes self-healing through nervous system downregulation. 

  • YogaTuneUp® Certification with Jill Miller (2016 and continuing) 

  • The Roll Model Method® Certification (2018, 2024) 

  • Breath And Bliss Immersion (2017, 2024) 

  • Hips Immersion, Core Immersion (2017, 2019) 

The She School with Anahita Joon

How recognizing the sacred leadership of women unleashes our quantum nature.

  • Beauty Unleashed: comprehensive year-long program designed to help women embody their authentic beauty, power, and femininity (2021-2022) 

  • Full Spectrum: Where the Erotic Body Meets the Quantum Field: a year-long transformative experience combining deep inner work with personal growth and empowerment(2022-2023) 

  • Kauai Retreat (2022): Gathering of participants in Beauty Unleashed to ground in the growth and magic of the year-long program by spending profound time together in ceremony.  

Just to let you know that I also experience deep joy when working, playing, and dancing in the native, pollinator, prairie garden we have been growing here for about the past three years! 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Working with brilliant but exhausted, high-achieving women over 50 is my passion and calling because it’s who I was at 50. 

    I have learned so much through my own slow, self-healing journey, guided by programs, certifications, and extraordinary mentors (most of them women), including: Ana Forrest, Steve Emmerman, Talya Ring, Jill Miller, and Anahita Joon. 

    None of these mentors speak specifically to high-achieving women over 50, but all of their work contributes. I am an artisan. I weave together the threads of all that I have learned and create a space and a method for women to move ahead into their second 50 years with strength, vision, creativity, and passion.

  • Self-healing isn’t a quick fix; it’s a deep, transformative journey. After so many years of teaching and observing my over 50 women clients and students, I began to see that we face a much deeper challenge than fixing a frozen shoulder or simply meditating to calm an anxious mind. Decades of stress, trauma, pressure, and the need to take care of others. (some call this “conditioning”)  takes months to unwind. Women in the program routinely tell me that they don’t really “get it” until about 3 months have passed. Self-healing takes time. That’s why this program is designed to be a year-long — it’s about creating lasting transformation, not temporary solutions. (P.S. I describe this process throughout my Fierce Over 50 book.)

  • I ask that you be able to get up and down off the floor easily. You should be able to move your arms and legs, walk, raise your arms. It’s fine if you are currently working with a professional physical therapist for an acute issue that limits movement in one part of your body. 

    I’ll ask you to use your self-awareness to decide what movements you can participate in and what you can’t. Even if you can’t move throughout our session for a period of months due to an injury, the breathwork and the woman-centered connection is enormously supportive. If you have particular questions, email me to set up a conversation.

  • There are two reasons I no longer give privates outside of the FierceOver50 Gathering. 

    First, women who come for privates are often still operating out of a self-care model, which asks me to fix what is broken in them. And, as I have written about extensively in my book, I have seen that this does not work. 

    Second, being in a woman-centered program offers you much more wisdom than I, alone, can provide.  Often women in the group offer a perspective, hack, process which none of us have thought about before.

  • Many participants notice results from the first session — from the moment they begin breathing differently. 

    That said, the habits we bring to the FierceOver50 Gathering have been decades in the making. That’s why I eventually realized that I had to create a year-long program. Our inclination to push beyond our capacity  is a very tough habit to unwind. It may take as long as 3 months to unwind long-held habits.

  • My book, offered in many other places on this website, creates its own learning path. I also invite you to sign up for my free 15-minute self-healing session, which also gives you access to my monthly newsletter where I often share free resources.

  • I do not offer refunds for this year-long program.  Sadly, results is a term that refers to the self-care industry’s claims to fix aspects of your body or mind that are broken. In the FierceOver50 Gathering your growth,  evolution, and self-healing capacities come from inside you. This growth takes time. I encourage each member to acknowledge how much growth is taking place daily in how we feel in our bodies and our lives. There is no external yardstick for this process. 

  • That’s a clear no. I’m so sorry. I realize your time zone or personal responsibilities might make it impossible to attend most sessions. (We all go on vacation or travel or have situations that might make it difficult to be at every session.) The personal growth that we experience as magic depends on the intimate and regular connection among the women who attend. 

  • Many of us, myself included, have benefited immensely from yoga. However, this program moves more deeply into self-healing –learning how you, in the company of other women, can shift daily patterns of life. 

    We also emphasize targeted myo-fascial self-massage in the areas that you hold tension in your body. Thus, only you can know where self-healing massage will be most effective. 

    The FierceOver50 Gathering is not a class taught by me. Rather, it is self-exploration and self-healing directed by your own awareness of your body. 

  • While the FierceOver50 Gathering offers comprehensive support, it is not an “all or nothing” program.  Many women in the program, myself included, see therapists and other specialists. Usually, a helpful conversation with me and with your practitioner will support you in finding a way to move forward. 

  • Because we are “exhausted achievers,” we often think that if we can’t do the program at 100% full tilt, then we cannot do it at all.  We have had women participating from bed, doing breathwork and soaking up the wisdom of the group. We learn lessons from being sick about loving ourselves and being worthy even when we can’t perform. These are often new lessons and perspectives for us. 

  • We all go on vacation and we should!  That is partly why this is a year-long program: life goes on and so it should. On occasion you might be able to attend the session from wherever you are, or you might watch the reply. Or, you might simply skip these sessions and keep up with your practices however that looks for you. Going on vacation is a great opportunity to ask yourself how to keep your self-healing practices going each day, whether we are on vacation or not. This is such an important lesson – it’s a practice that you can’t investigate if you don’t go on vacation and try it out! 

  • The FierceOver50 Gathering is a sanctuary for a group of women who have committed to their self-healing. As the guide it is my job to make sure that the women who step in and take on this year-long commitment are really available to travel this journey with the other women. 

  • Personally, I love it when you let me know you can’t attend a session.. I care about everyone and want to know if you won’t be there. I record all the sessions except our very personal celebrations (4 times a year.) You get the replay, typically the morning after the session. 

  • I cap the FierceOver50 Gathering at 20 women so that we can connect and grow together.  Everyone in this group has a voice and is welcome to ask questions as we do our physical and spiritual practices. We all know each other and connect deeply. That’s the way we evolve best and that’s the way I’m keeping it. 

  • I should hope so! I welcome all of us who self-identify as women  – whatever color, race, ability, and inclination. Whatever and whoever we are, I welcome us. 

    That said, in the FierceOver50 Gathering, we do not discuss politics or religion. We keep our focus on our self-healing and our growth.  The women in the FierceOver50 Gathering have all worked hard at life. That’s our common ground. We have had different jobs, occupations, and daily commitments. That’s our common ground.

  • Just as I encourage you, through the FierceOver50 Gathering, to create a richly evolving life in which you become who you are meant to be, I am doing the same. At 73, I have a  life to live and the FierceOver50 Gathering is one very important part of that life. I love to work in my native prairie garden, travel, visit my kids and grandkids, cook nutritious meals, and participate with my spiritual community. 

    The FierceOver50 Gathering is my passion, my service, and I am devoted to it. Yet each of us must commit to our dearest desires and create boundaries as well. The FierceOver50 Gathering is a great joy in my life and here’s to you finding and devoting yourself to yours!

  • Please see my list of certifications and teachers above in this page. 

  • E-mail me at and put “FierceOver50 Gathering Membership Inquiry” in the subject line.

Is your gut telling you that the FierceOver50 Gathering is exactly what you need?

Wonderful — allow this to be the start of you listening to and trusting your intuition! Please use the form below to submit your (zero obligation) application. I’ll be in touch within 72 hours to set up our initial Zoom conversation.