
Who I Am and Why I Do What I Do

Hi there. Welcome to Rest::Recover::Rejuvenate.

I'm AnnMerle. I want to tell you a little bit about myself and a little bit about why I do what I do.

I'm 72 at this recording, but when I was 50, I was a wreck. I was in a lot of pain.

Now, looking back, I didn't know that I was actually addicted to work. My work was so important to me, but it was also crucial as a single mom to support my kids and maintain my life and pay the bills and bring up my kids. So I was in a lot of pain. That's what I was. aware of them. I exercise dieted. I did all the things we were supposed to do, to keep ourselves fit and healthy and in a good state mentally.

At 50 nothing seemed to be working and I tell the story in a lot of different places. I am writing a book titled Fierce over 50 and you'll see that coming out eventually. It may already be out by the time you see this video. It will be on Amazon, I'm sure. My story is also on my website at https://fierceover50.com. I invite you to go there.

But if you're here,  if you found me here, you may be feeling the same way. We were brought up as feminists and we did all the things and we worked really hard and we took care of ourselves in the best way we know how. But now nothing is working.

Here's the core of what I want to say to you as I welcome you into this rest, recover and rejuvenate practice to introduce myself. What has happened to us now in our 50’s, 60’s, and 70’ss is that we have been carrying stress for so long. This stress has become a part of who we are and it has become invisible to us. It feels normal. This is the way I am. This is why the self-care that we've been using to fix broken parts of ourselves  -- a frozen shoulder or lower back or attempting to meditate to fix ruminating thoughts which can drive you even more crazy --  (right?)  is because we are still holding the stress in our body. I talk about this at greater length in the book and on the website and in blogs that I'm currently writing.

What is crucial for us is to learn how to rest.

Another technical term is downregulate --  how to calm our nervous system, which has been taught to stay in fight or flight. If you find yourself jumping up to the ceiling when you realize your iPhone is missing or if you sort of let's see sort of screech to a halt and then find your heart racing and racing and racing or if you find yourself in savasana at the end of a yoga class, unable to relax and thinking about uh, so many women tell me,  what we have to do next.

You just might be an exhaustive achiever. These are patterns in our brains that don't go away so easily. You are never done being addicted to work. You are never done resetting your nervous system.

But we can do so much to heal ourselves. I call myself a recovering exhausted achiever not a recovered exhausted achiever, but I have come so far. And what this practice is meant to do is to give you a taste of what rest and recovery and rejuvenation feels like, which is what I teach over the course of a year in my private,  small-group coaching program called the FierceOver50 Gathering.  

If you want to talk to me about that I am so glad to talk to you. You can email me at annmerle@annmerle.com and put “Gathering” in the subject line.

But right here, right now, the most important thing is to feel yourself coming down a bit, resting a bit. Just getting curious about how much tension you actually are holding in your body. That's the first step. This is not a lesson in how to flip a switch. It is not about a broken part to be fixed.

This is what I call self-healing. It is what you do for yourself. And even though we may go to massage therapists: we may go to physical therapists: we may go to yoga class. We must develop an intentional, self-healing perspective as we live in our bodies in the second half of our life. We won't get anywhere with these other modalities. We must bring ourselves to them with an intentional self-healing practice and perspective. So that's it for now. In another video somewhere where you found this one, I'll talk a little more specifically about the practices. I lead you through in this short 15 minute session and I hope you'll do them. I hope you'll hang out with me and my women. And I hope you'll ask questions that you have. I'd love to hear from you. Take care. Bye bye.

About This Rest::Recover::Rejuvenate Practice

Hi there. I'm AnnMerle. I want to give you some, hopefully, brief information about the practice that I've designed for you. The practice is just a taste of what it feels like to melt into rest in our bodies. And I want to thank Jill Miller, my teacher. I've been studying with her for about eight years, and I've taken what she has taught me about breath, recovery, calming the nervous system, myofascial self-massage, and how to get stronger safely.

I've taken all of Jill Miller’s work and adapted it for the very specific circumstances that you and I find ourselves in being women over 50 who have worked very hard for our lives. And for whom stress has become a normal part of our lives. So normal, in fact, that we don't recognize it. We don't see it. It's invisible.

When I used to get frozen shoulders, again and again, frozen shoulder go to physical therapy, frozen shoulder, go to physical therapy. I didn't understand that it wasn't simply a weak muscle. Stress was teaching me to grip and hold on. I was holding on as though hanging from a ledge for dear life. I know that sounds dramatic. But that's how my body felt. And I didn't see it. I didn't feel it because it's invisible.

What I had to do was learn to unwind that constant state of fight and flight in order for my body to recover and then rejuvenate. There is a process for this unwinding, but most of us don’t know how to do it. We’ve been taught that if we have a frozen shoulder, for instance, that the muscles have simply gotten tight and we need either to do more yoga or to or to go to a physical therapist, or, God forbid ,have surgery, which we might need in order to fix things that have wrecked us.

All of us in this era of our lives need to learn how to feel rest in our body. And rest allows us to recover. I have some notes here and I have to look at them. That's the way it is. And I want to tell you some of the benefits of rest.

I think of my dear mother who has left us, but she used to get very angry if I suggested that a nap would be helpful. She should really yell at me and say, “I don't need to rest. I'm not resting. I'll rest when I'm dead.” How many times if you heard that?  Then, I'd walk by her bedroom and see her laid out on the sofa, snoring away.

You can't sleep if you can't rest.

What does rest do for us?

It's so important for our whole nervous system -- every part of our nervous system. It helps us shift out of fight and flight into rest and digest. We can't digest our food if we're in this constant state of stress. We might experience IBS, constipation, and many other issues. We need to be able to relax in our bodies. Rest improves neurological function. Rest and relaxation helps us to manage stress more effectively and recover after doing something really hard for a while.

We need to rest. It helps us be more resilient to heal. Physical and emotional resilience are crucially important. It helps our muscles to recover from workouts. You may have this newly popular information for anyone across the lifespan: when you work out really hard you need to give your your muscles time to rest, recover, and rejuvenate before moving on to another hard work out. Otherwise you're just continually tearing yourself down.

Rest gives us the wherewithal to respond from our authentic selves in situations that we are not are not comfortable in and find it hard to speak our truth. When we're rested, It's a lot easier to be compassionate and empathetic but to hold boundaries as well.

The two practices that I include in your rest, recover, and rejuvenation experience have two parts.

First, a five-minute, simple breath practice, which offers you an opportunity to learn the abdominal thoracic breath that I have learned from Jill Miller. This breath practice teaches you to get breath into your body where your nervous system can feel it and benefit from it. But also, that longer exhale that I coach you through is the crucial piece. It slows the heart rate down and it helps your body to let go of the gripping and the tensing that we feel.

I first give you a five-minute breath practice with managed breath. You are inhaling intentionally and exhaling intentionally and you can do that anytime, anywhere. It's a practice you cannot do it too much.

The next 10-minute practice is what's called non sleep deep rest., or NSDR. Others call it yoga nidra or it's very much like the savasana that you might have experienced at the end of a yoga class. The NSDR experience helps you to create this deep state of rest.  My words guiding you help mitigate the tendency of our minds to pop in and do what they habitually do, which is remind us of the things that we're always thinking about. This is designed, and I was taught this by Jill Miller, to use verbal cues. I'm talking to you to lead you through a state of relaxation and you're scanning your body and your breath is not managed as it is in the first five minutes. You're simply observing your breath. All of this deep relaxation has been demonstrated through scientific studies have to help mental clarity and renewal and emotional resilience and physical health.

I have used NSDR to great advantage as I write my book. I will set my timer for a certain period of time. And then I will lay down to take a break and do some NSDR, some yoga nidra , or whatever you want to call it. And I come back feeling just as refreshed as I need to be to continue,  because writing as you probably know is very hard work and very taxing on the mind.

Rest is crucial and in my private, small-group coaching program, it is one of the five gateways into a self-healing practice. I hope you enjoy this short practice. I welcome your comments. I welcome our conversation. I think we have to stick together because I think women over 50 are generally ignored and not not offered their full voice. It’s. very hard for us to step out into the world and maintain our presence. We need to be well rested to do that. Let’s  join together and take our rest as we need it.

Let’s learn how to rest, recover and rejuvenate. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care.

Props for Your Rest::Recover::Rejuvenate Session

Please watch the video for more detail. Find yourself a safe, quiet, comfortable space. Have on hand a rolled up bath towel and a washcloth to use as an eye cover. Enjoy this moment of peace for yourself!

Freebie Video: Rest::Recover::

Wondering if the FierceOver50 Gathering is right for you?

This small group program isn’t for everyone. Entrance to the FierceOver50 Gathering is by application only. If you have an inkling that  might be for you, the first step is to email me at annmerle@annmerle.com and put “Gathering” in the subject line. Tell me a bit about what you are struggling with and what you would like to accomplish. I get a lot of emails, so if I don’t respond in a day or two, it’s possible I missed your email, so try again. We will talk and see if this coaching program might be right for you. If it is, we will talk about next steps. If this program isn’t for you, I will make other suggestions.

Here’s a full description of the FierceOver50 Gathering:

Your Self-Healing Capacity

I want you to experience the profound power of your own self-healing capacity. This superpower is quite different from those that helped us to get where we are today. In our 30’s and 40’s we pushed through life’s challenges fueled by our determined minds, now we seek access to our deep wisdom and intuition. This is an inward adventure, moving fiercely back into our bodies, our homes.


Myo-Fascial Self Massage

Among the many healing modalities I have studied, I found myo-fascial self-massage, through my studies with Jill Miller, to be the most potent for my exhausted achiever women over 50. Our bodies hold onto stress and trauma, which exacerbates disease, inflammation, auto-immune issues, worry, and addictive attachments to unhealthy habits. Learning myo-fascial self-massage is the fuel for your self-healing journey. Unwinding the tight, grippy holding of our bodies happens as we awaken our entire respiratory system using our breath and our ability to sense the state of our bodies.


The Body Vitality Method

Learning to attend deeply to our bodies – our fascial connective tissues, our breath, the function of our whole respiratory system, our ability to rest, our connection to other women, and our ability to build strength. These body-centered practices provide gateways to our self-healing capacities. They comprise my Body Vitality Method, which supports the women I work with in making extraordinary improvements in our quality of life and, more important, in recapturing our dreams and our sense of who we had always intended on becoming – even if those dreams went underground for a long while.


A Self-Healing Sanctuary

When I realized the extent of the shift my women and I needed to make, I envisioned and grew a virtual community where women could connect and support each other through this unique approach to body-centered self-healing. My experience taught me that it would take deep commitment, curiosity, and intention to let go of the addictions to work and band aid self-care that we have depended on. Only a small-group coaching program, dedicated to consistent, slow growth, could do this.


The FierceOver50 Gathering

Every month, in the FierceOver50 Gathering, 20 of us who self-identify as women, gather to shift from exercise, diets, and repair to self-healing practices that restore our vitality and resilience.  I understand that this work takes time, and it’s not for everyone.  We meet online for 90-minute workshops twice a month, where we practice together, ask questions, and learn what our bodies need. In a synthetic way, we incorporate the five Body Vitality Gateways that allow women to become their own best healers and we travel a heroine’s journey, asking what takes our energy from us and what allows us to grow.


How the FierceOver50 Gathering Changes Us

When women join the FierceOver50 Gathering, they are still hooked on the vicious cycle of exercise, diet, commodified self-care. It takes a while to shift focus, but when we do, remarkable changes can occur.  In a recent review, over 90% of Gathering participants reported significant shifts in their sense of well-being. For instance, Melissa’s neck and shoulders are so much better now that she knows what to do for herself when her stress level rises. Leticia‘s headaches are for the most part gone and she is learning how to reduce her cravings for sugar and flour while she travels for work. After a decade of painful muscle contracture, scar tissue, and tight fascia following reconstructive surgery for breast cancer, Laura now knows how to breathe expansively and release this long held-tension. Maria has learned how to say no to last-minute babysitting requests from her children.


Is the FierceOver50 Gathering Right for You?

Do you have a gut feeling that this program is what you have been looking for? Participation in the Gathering is by application only. As I say above, send me an email at annmerle@annmerle.com and put “Gathering” in the subject line. We will chat. We will see if it is right for you. It is not for everyone. If it’s not, I will make suggestions. I love talking to women over 50 and figuring out what is the next right step. Let me know if you feel like this program might be right for you.