Work with me

Ready to Re-Write Your Next 50 Years?

I can help you live vibrantly doing whatever lights you up.

What’s Going On?

  • Are you sick and tired of being held back by your body’s daily complaints? Your noisy neck, shoulders, and headaches?

  • That one spot on your low back that barks at you every time you move the wrong way? 

  • How about those “sitting too much” tight hips that even make walking a pain?

  • Or, perhaps your knees are telling you to stop whatever you are doing. 

There’s no end to the ungrateful messages your body has been sending you.

You were always the one with the next solution. In fact, you were a friggin’ genius at solving problems.

But, the old solutions don’t work anymore.

The new class at the gym; the yoga that turns you upside down; the physical therapist who is supposed to make pain disappear...

You need a truly new solution that is designed with women over 50 in mind.

Been there. Done that. This is supposed to be your time: time to travel, the strength to pick up your grandkids, the vision to downsize your house and imagine where you will live next, the energy to pivot to a new career, or the gumption to retire and build a different life. 

But so many roadblocks say, “Sweetheart, forget it. You’re not going anywhere. Your time has passed. You’re stuck and you’re staying right here.”

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

  • Whenever you try to move your body more, you are afraid you’ll get hurt.

  • The high of yoga classes or the hope of physical therapy doesn’t last long and you are back in pain.

  • You feel betrayed by your body.

  • You’re scared that what’s slowing you down is aging and there is nothing you  can do about it. 

  • You’re not sleeping and you’re eating your feelings. You can’t remember having a good night’s sleep.

  • Each morning you wake up stiffer than the last and the aches and pains are multiplying.

  • The stress and worry have you tied up in knots.

  • You’ll never be able to enjoy your grandkids.You worry that this is just what aging feels like and you need to start getting used to this new, painful reality.

Imagine Your Next 50 Years as A Grand Adventure

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to…

  • Knowing that your body can carry you through many more adventures, dreams, and accomplishments with vitality and strength.

  • Wake up energized and clear-headed because you're free from headaches and neck tension.

  • Dream about and create a plan for your best years ahead.

  • Being excited to live each day with a sense of joy and “can do.”  

  • You know how to relax when you need to.

  • And, you can turn on the juice when you want more energy.

I Know It Is Possible For You.

This is exactly what my clients experience after incorporating my Body Vitality Method into their lives.

I created the Body Vitality Method after 20 years of working with clients as a body wellness coach.

It incorporates movement, strengthening, breathing, massaging, and flexibility to help you restore your body and your energy.

It's a unique body care framework designed especially for women like you, exhausted achievers going into the second half of their lives.



The Fierceover50

The FierceOver50 Gathering offers a slow-growth path for undoing decades of stress and tension. The self-healing strategies include breathwork, myo-facial release and massage, soul-centered strength — all in a body-centered, mastermind oriented women’s group.

Work Privately With Me

I currently have a waiting list and much prefer to work with women in the FierceOver50 Gathering. If you sense that private, one-to-one sessions are for you, please book a call and we will discuss.